Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Thank you Professor Weigel

In the development of my legal career, I have been blessed with awesome role models. One of my first role models was Professor Charles Weigel. Professor Weigel passed away this week. We will miss you so much, Professor. We were extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from him.

I was Professor's research assistant. We developed the Child Abuse Nurse Examiner Program together. He was more than a mentor or professor though, he was like an all-knowing, all-caring, all-accepting of faults, grandfather. In our time together, he taught me that the legal profession can be the noblest and most influential calling. He showed me that the greatest lawyers are still the most humble people.

He read me this poem when we were working in the office. He said he believes that it describes attorneys.

These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth’s foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.

Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
They stood, and earth’s foundation stay;
What God abandoned, These defended,
And saved the sum of things for pay.

– A.E. Housman

I too believe that these words describe attorneys. Attorneys who are called into service for others, who hold up the sky for them. The responsibility is great, and the reward is given according to a non-traditional scale. But how awesome is it that the world relies on our strength of spirit, of character, and of mind to hold up the sky. This poem describes Professor Weigel.

Thank you professor for teaching me this and for so many other things. We loved you very much.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger One_of_the_last_Schwalies said...

My name is Dana Webb Schwalie and I worked for Professor Weigel from 1994 to 1996. Because I am not practicing law and I dont think STCL knows my current address, I just learned this past weekend at my 20th HS class reunion that Prof. Weigel had passed away, and I have been devestated that I did not take the time in the last years of his life to go and visit him. I LOVED him. When my fiance dumped me 20 days before my wedding (and 2 weeks after taking the bar), Prof. Weigel took me out to eat at the Art Museum and he bought me a small mummy "to remember him by". He told me that although he had only met my "beau" once (at the LIMS party at his house) he did not get the impression that he (my boyfriend) had the kind of love for knowledge and the kind of passion for truth and fairness "or anything really" that I had. He said he would never have said anything if we had gotten married but he did not think Trace was good enough for me and that I could definitely find someone better. He was kind like that in so many ways and I am so guilt ridden that I did not go and visit him. I lived in Houston until late 2001 and I have lived in Orange Texas since. I could have walked from my office in Houston and taken him to lunch but I didnt and I will regret that until I die. Do you know how he was in his last years? I heard that his wife died first and I know that was one of his greatest fears. I have spent all week trying to find out anything I can.


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